So I went in for my second weigh in since starting back on WW. I must say I am proud to say I am down another 2.2lbs. So that's a total of 7.8lbs. I struggled a little last week with food, but I worked out everyday! I am happy about that, and I found a new workout that I am in love with and that is Zumba. I actually have a class today right after work. I didn't think I would like it, but it was actually really fun and it burns tons of calories. I did the whole hour nonstop and even though I was winded and sweating I didn't want the class to end. I have exactly 5months until I go to the Dominican Republic and I am sooo excited about it. I am going to have a great time with my girls, so I am going to be kicking my workouts up into overdrive for the next 5 months. I have been having an issue with confidence lately, and everyone that knows me knows that I am a very confident woman. I didn't know why I was feeling less confident and somewhat insecure I guess, but then I had a conversation with a friend and I came to realize what the issue was. The issue was inside of me, and it was actually quite silly when I sat and thought about it. So I am recently in a new relationship with my guy. I have dated with him for about 8 months but we recently decided that we would try a relationship. Before this I was just fine. It wasn't really any insecurities, but now they are coming out. So I came to realize that the issue is that my guy is in great shape, he is healthy, he plays football; but I am the total opposite. So I guess it was bothering me subconsciously that he is in such good shape and I am "working on it". So my friend asked me has he ever mentioned it once to me, and I told her no he hasn't. So she said "if it isn't bothering him, why is it bothering you?" At that point I was brought back to reality, I have been this way since I met him. He thought I was beautiful then and he still thinks I am beautiful now, plus he came to me, not the other way around. We as women have to understand that the only person who is judging us is US! It is great to be beautiful on the outside but the beauty on the inside is what really matters. Yes men see your outward appearance first, but once that get to know that beautiful, lovely, sweet person you are on the inside; that's what captures his heart, oh and food! LOL. So this week I learned a real lesson, insecurity can weigh down on you and make you feel like you are not worthy of everything you deserve, and that men don't like women who lack confidence. I hope this post helps someone other than myself. Have a great week!! Here are some pictures of my punkin.... 

The only one who can judge us is us (unfortunately we are our worst critics), people can only do what we allow them to do, so if they know it is a sore point they will use it against you,giving THEM the power.I have learned that the hard way. By accepting and loving yourself enough to change what you don't like you are them EMPOWERED and they are A NON MUTHA FUCKING FACTOR :)