Thursday, June 24, 2010

Official first big goal established....

This morning I have established my first big goal for the year.  My goal is to lose 70lbs by Christmas.  I know that I can do it, but it is going to take dedication and determination.  I have to put faith in God and give it my best and I know it will be obtainable.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

5% goall reached.....

I have finally reached my goal of losing 5% of my starting weight.  A total of 17lbs.  I feel really good about it.  Over the weekend, I landing in the ER with chest and stomach pains.  I thought that I was having a heart attack but thank God I wasn't.  They said they think it is my gallbladder.  I have to go see my primary doctor and set up a nuclear study to see if my gallbladder is working correctly.  If not, I may have to have it removed.  They also let me know that when a person loses a large quantity of weight or loses rapidly, it can have an effect on your gallbladder.  I have decided not to let this stand in my way, if I have to have it removed, then so be it.  I am and will lose this weight so that I can be a more healthy me.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Feeling good feeling great!

I am feeling good today.  I went to WI last night and I am down another 4.4lbs.  That is the 1.4 I gained last week and an additional 3!  I was so upset last week seeing as though I exercised more and stayed on the WW plan, but I had a gain.  So my WW friends told me maybe I was not eating enough and my body was holding onto fat, and by george, I ate a little more and I had a great loss.  This is going really well and my first month on plan I lost 13lbs.  Yes!